GUT (Female)
स्त्री रोग
Homoeopathic management of Gynaecological disorders like Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhoea, Metrorrhagia, PMS, Leucorrhoea, Infertility, PCOS.
GUT (Male)
पुरुष यौन समस्या
Homeopathic management of Oligospermia Azoospermia, Orchitis, Prostrate gland Hypertrophy.
Paediatric Disorders
Homoeopathic management of paediatric diseases like failure to thrive, Developmental disorders.
ENT Diseases
कान, नाक, घसा
Homoeopathic management of ENT Diseases like, Chronic Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Tonsillitis.
All Skin Diseases
सर्व त्वचारोग
Homeopathic management of skin diseases like Dermatitis, Ringworm, Fungal infection, Keloid, Corn, Pimples, Blackheads, Vitiligo.
Hair loss
केस गळणे
Homoeopathic management of Alopecea, Hair loss, Premature Hair graying.
Piles (Haemorrhoids)
Homoeopathic management of Piles.
Homoeopathic management of Fistula.
Anal Fissure
Homoeopathic management of Fissure.
GIT & Hepato Tilliary Tract Diseases
अन्ननलिका व यक्रूत विकार
Homoeopathic management of Chronic Acid peptic disorder, Gall stone, Icterus, Fatty liver.
Glandular Diseases
ग्रंथि रोग
Homoeopathic management of endocrinal and exocrinal gland diseases like Diabetes type 1, type 2 and it's complications, Hogdkins disease.
Renal diseases
मुत्राशय विकार
Homoeopathic management of Kidney stone, Urinary bladder stone, Urinary tract Infections, Urethral Stricture.
Orthopedic Diseases
Homoeopathic management of Osteoarthritis, RA, delayed reunion of fractures, Rickets.
थायराइड ग्रंथि विकार
Homoeopathic management of Hyper and Hypothyroidism and Goitre.
Respiratory Tract Diseases
श्वास नलिकेचे आजार
Homoeopathic management of Respiratory tract diseases like Allergic Asthma, Tuberculosis, pneumonia.
Sports Medicines
Homoeopathic management of all sorts of sport injuries, tennis elbow, ligamental tear and injuries.
Psychological Counseling
मानसिक सल्ला
Psychological counseling to Teenagers, children with poor performance and Parents, Psychological counseling for matrimonial problems.
Social Service
Free Medical Camps in different regions of Aurangabad city.